2022 Recap Crossword

  1. 6. Tom Cruise played the character of Pete “Maverick” in the sequel to this original movie in 1986.
  2. 7. On August 31st, 2022, the 25th anniversary of this famous Princess of Wales took place.
  3. 9. This person celebrated her 70-year reign and later died at age 96.
  1. 1. This Chinese capital held the 2022 Winter Olympics and was the first city to hold both the Summer and Winter Olympics.
  2. 2. After the Russian invasion of Ukraine, over 1,194,642 Ukrainian refugees are fleeing to this central European country west of Ukraine.
  3. 3. The 2022 World Cup was held in this small Arab nation of a population of 2.985 million people.
  4. 4. This space film series created by George Lucas celebrated its 45th anniversary this year.
  5. 5. Actor Will Smith famously did this to comedian Chris Rock at the Oscar Academy Awards, and was heard across the world.
  6. 8. An outbreak of this viral disease, which can be spread between people and certain animals, was first found in London in May 2022.