Chemistry Crossword

  1. 1. What is Avogadro's number?
  2. 7. Molar Mass: MgCl2
  3. 8. Molar Mass: Ga2(SO3)3
  4. 9. Molar Mass: C(Cl2)F2
  5. 10. How many grams are in 8.49x10^23 molecules of NaCl?
  6. 12. what is the mass of 1.82 moles of Lithium carbonate? (round to nearest 1)
  1. 2. How many grams are in 8.71 moles of ammonia?
  2. 3. (_)NaNO3 + (_)PbO -> (_)Pb(NO3)2 + (_)Na2 O
  3. 4. How many molecules of water are found in 7.38 grams of H2O?
  4. 5. Molar Mass: Ca3(PO4)2
  5. 6. (_)Fe + (_) AgNO3 -> (_)Fe(NO3)2 + (_)A
  6. 11. _Al2(O)3->_4Al+_O2