Vocabulary Of Religions, Hinduism, and Buddhism

  1. 2. every action you do has good and bad consequences
  2. 3. religion with a singular god
  3. 6. the type of Buddhism where you reach enlightenment alone
  4. 7. Hinduism it means your duties in your caste, Buddhism it means teachings of the Buddha
  5. 11. a person in Mahayana Buddhism that helps others reach enlightenment
  6. 12. the release from the cycle of Samara into enlightenment
  7. 14. the state of realization and enlightenment and comes after
  8. 15. the type of Buddhism where you reach enlightenment but you turn back and help others as well
  1. 1. swears you must take to never steal, cheat, kill, or get drunk to become a Buddhist monk
  2. 4. religion with multiple or thousands of gods
  3. 5. the prince who became the Buddha in the Buddhist religion
  4. 8. the process of being reborn after your death in the cycle of samsara
  5. 9. someone in Hinduism that is a priest or teacher of dharma
  6. 10. the system of life, death, and the recycle of reincarnation
  7. 13. a level of authority and quality of life in the caste system of Hinduism