Unit 6/7 Am. History Review

  1. 5. Modern farming equipment allowed for ______________ of crops, which negatively impacted the environment and led to the Dust Bowl conditions in the Midwest during the 1930s.
  2. 7. Traditional cultural values were challenged by ________ in the 1920s when these young women took advantage of economic freedom and political power.
  3. 11. America was officially brought into World War II when Congress voted to declare war following Japan’s attack on the US Navy base in _____ ______, ______.
  4. 13. The trial of Sacco and Vanzetti (1920’s), along with the rulings of the Supreme Court in Dred Scott v. Sanford, Plessy v. Ferguson, and _________ v. United States, reveal Nativism and racism sometimes override the American ideals of constitutional democracy.
  5. 14. The anti-immigrant __________ movement greatly limited the ability of immigrants to attain the “American Dream” because “Americanizers” believed it was important to reduce the number of immigrants entering the United States in order to protect American values.
  6. 15. The debates during the 1920s over 1) the teaching of evolution, 2) Prohibition, and 3) the increased role of women in the workforce displayed the growing conflict between ___________ and _______ values.
  7. 17. After World War II, the variety of jobs held by women _________ despite the desires of many women to continue working in the same industry.
  8. 18. World War II provided African Americans more opportunities in the United States military and workforce, which in turn led African Americans to be more assertive in protesting for _____ ______ in the decades following the war.
  9. 19. President Truman pursued a foreign policy of ___________ because he believed the United States should stop the spread of communism by supporting the democratic principles that guide free nations.
  10. 21. The Great Depression shifted Americans’ view of the federal government as many Americans supported _________ government actions to provide assistance to the people, which was a shift from the traditional American ideologies of self sufficiency and rugged individualism.
  11. 22. American actions such as the occupation of Japan, creating the Marshall Plan, joining the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and helping to organize the United Nations demonstrate how America took on greater global _________________ after World War II.
  1. 1. Harry Truman's motives for using the atomic bomb against Japan included his desire to end the war _______ to save American lives.
  2. 2. Prior to the end of World War I, African-Americans who participated in the ______ __________ had a variety of employment opportunities and found a supportive community to express their cultural identity.
  3. 3. The contributions of _____ in World War II showed they were able to do many of the same jobs as men, both in the military and at home, earning more respect.
  4. 4. The 1929 stock market crash was caused in part by excessive __________ and buying on ______ were encouraged.
  5. 6. During the 1920s, the first ___ _____ built on Nativist fears of immigrants and led to more restrictive immigration quotas.
  6. 8. Due to the verdict in the ______ ______ _____, which allowed states to ban the teaching of evolution, fundamentalist values continued to be reflected in education. Despite this, modernists slowly gained popular support for new scientific theories.
  7. 9. The __________ ____ were passed by Congress during the 1930s in an effort to keep America from getting entangled in European affairs due to the rise in fascism and leaders like Germany’s Adolf Hitler and the USSR’s Joseph Stalin.
  8. 10. The artists and writers of the ______ ___________ impacted the American identity by celebrating African Americans' beauty, emotion, and intellect demonstrating cultural pride and shifting the narrative typically presented of African Americans.
  9. 12. The __________ of Japanese Americans during World War II are an example of the idea that the civil liberties of certain groups in the U.S. can be restricted during times of war.
  10. 16. The possibility of nuclear attack against the United States caused great fear following World War II and led to actions like ____ ___ _____ drills in American schools.
  11. 20. President Roosevelt capitalized on the popularity of _____ to connect to the American people and provide national updates concerning the government’s actions during the Great Depression.