2022 Halloween Crossword

  1. 3. A red moon is a _______ moon.
  2. 8. An orange moon is a _______ moon.
  3. 10. This monster is known for large hoards of items, clever riddles, and breathing fire.
  4. 11. “We're sorry skeletons, you're so misunderstood! You only want to socialize, but I don't think we should!” ______ _____ _________
  5. 13. Which 2017 horror movie holds the all-time worldwide box office record for horror movies?
  6. 15. Who is Jekyll’s closest companion?
  7. 16. Bobbing for apples started out as a _________ ritual.
  8. 18. The irrational fear of candy.
  9. 19. A shapeshifting, equine water spirit known best for its tarry hide and carrying its riders into the depths.
  10. 21. How many acres was the largest temporary corn maze?
  11. 27. I’m tall in the morning, I’m shorter at night. I’m pale like I’ve been given a fright! Give me a spark and its easy to see, why Halloween just isn’t the same without me.
  12. 29. Which song reigned #1 on the Hot 100 list in 1962? The _______ _________
  13. 33. Who had the first ‘Jack o Lantern’? (Hint: Mythological figure.)
  14. 38. In the beginning, M&M’s were only available to the ________.
  15. 40. Which movie first introduced the concept of zombies eating brains?
  16. 44. The farthest distance to fire a pumpkin. (Rounded to the 1’s place)
  17. 48. The irrational fear of the moon.
  18. 49. What was one of the more eccentric, plant-themed PEZ flavors?
  1. 1. From which world region do pumpkins originate?
  2. 2. What scares a dullahan?
  3. 3. According to Max Brooks' Zombie Survival Guide, what is the safest manner of transport during a zombie apocalypse?
  4. 4. What do you call a cousin of the Werewolf?
  5. 5. If you are in the Florida keys for Halloween, you may find a(n) _____________ pumpkin carving contest.
  6. 6. First, you tie a rope from the ceiling. Then, you tie an apple to the rope. Third, you put a candle in the apple and light it on fire! Fourth, spin the apple and then try to take a bite! If you follow all these steps, which inadvisable game of old are you playing?
  7. 7. What Halloween radio drama caused alleged mass panic on October 30,1938?
  8. 9. The phobia of spiders.
  9. 12. What’s a skeleton’s favorite instrument? A ______.
  10. 14. In an old, spooky legend, where does Ichabod Crane live?
  11. 17. How many feet across was the world’s largest, recorded pumpkin pie?
  12. 20. The original name of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups was inspired by the ____.
  13. 22. The world’s heaviest pumpkin was 2,702 lbs (1,226 kg.), grown by a farmer from Radda, _____.
  14. 23. Most years, you will only find this monster once a month.
  15. 24. Eye of newt, a common ingredient in a witch’s brew, is actually just _______ seed!
  16. 25. According to legend, what is the most dangerous thing about a mandrake?
  17. 26. “But you see, it’s not me, it’s not my family. In your head, in your head. . .”
  18. 28. What percent of the U.S. pumpkin crop is available during October?
  19. 30. How many continents are pumpkins grown on?
  20. 31. What is one way to drive off a vampire? Expose it to ________.
  21. 32. What do you call a spider with 13 eyes?
  22. 34. Throwing a(n) _____ _____ over your shoulder on Halloween was thought to reveal the initial of your future spouse.
  23. 35. I’m a dead giveaway for vampire, but don’t break me. What am I?
  24. 36. Tootsie Rolls were name by their creator, Leo Hirschfield, after his ________, nicknamed ‘Tootsie.’
  25. 37. An incredible amount of this candy is sold for Halloween each year. So much so, that if you laid each piece sold last year – end to end – the line of candy would wrap around the earth 4.25 times.
  26. 39. In ‘The Texas Chainsaw Massacre’, how many people are killed with a chainsaw?
  27. 41. An enormous legendary bird.
  28. 42. During a quite literally dark and stormy day, Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein, as part of a _____ _____ competition.
  29. 43. Each snickers bar has a limit of _______ peanuts.
  30. 45. I have no feet to dance, I have no eyes to see, I have no life to live or die, but yet I do all three. What am I?
  31. 46. The maker does not want it, the buyer does not use it, and the user does not see it.
  32. 47. What should you throw on your doorstep if you want to keep out evil spirits on Halloween?