2022 in Review

  1. 6. This monarch passed away in 2022 at the ripe age of 96, setting the record for the longest reigning Queenof England – 70 years!
  2. 7. This small, unlikely country hosts the World Cup, having to build multiple stadiums in their small country
  3. 9. This former President announced a new bid for the White House in 2022
  4. 10. This Country saw much hardship due to the criminal invasion of its neighboring country
  5. 11. The price of this precious commodity hit an all-time high in 2022
  6. 14. Our tiny planet hit this milestone number in terms of global population in 2022
  7. 15. An early form of this ground-breaking technology was finally achieved – something which will dramatically change the way we make energy in the coming decades
  8. 16. This Western Drama set a record viewership in 2022
  9. 17. This high profile Congressional Hearing had nation-wide viewership, as it tried to make sense of the destructive Insurrection on the Capitol that happened in 2020
  10. 19. These storms were witnessed with record-setting ferocity (viciousness)
  11. 22. This world-famous tennis star played her last game in 2022
  1. 1. Sadly, Scientists have concluded in 2022 that this substance is now found in the bloodstream of about half of the population
  2. 2. This long overdue movie sequel came over 30 years after the original
  3. 3. This long-standing, 50 year old law was dramatically overturned in 2022
  4. 4. This tech billionaire found much harsh criticism from the public when he purchased Twitter in 2022
  5. 5. The nation-wide shortage of this crucial item blindsided everyone when it hit in 2022, especially frustrating young mothers
  6. 8. This new and very, very expensive telescope sent back its first stunning images of the far reaches of the Universe in 2022
  7. 12. This former pope died at the ripe age of 96
  8. 13. President Biden fulfilled his promise when he nominated this Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court.
  9. 18. This Economic problem reared its ugly head in 2002 making budgeting for the Average American family quite difficult
  10. 20. This courageous leader of a War-Torn nation became Man of the Year for Time Magazine, but also in the hearts and minds of many around the globe
  11. 21. This former world-renowned soccer player, and winner of 4 World Cups died in 2022