Nutrition in plants

  1. 3. Tiny pores that help in gaseous exchange.
  2. 4. farmers add this to improve the growth of plants.
  3. 6. A pigment that absorbs sunlight.
  4. 7. an edible fungus.
  5. 12. A green pigment present in leaves.
  6. 13. __________ cells present on either side of stoma.
  7. 14. an organism that has autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition.
  1. 1. A mode of nutrition by green plants.
  2. 2. plants' prepared food.
  3. 5. Organisms which feed on dead and decaying organic matter.
  4. 8. A gas essential for preparation of food by plants.
  5. 9. In Cuscuta, this type of heterotrophic nutrition is found.
  6. 10. nitrogen fixing bacteria
  7. 11. An insectivorous plant.