
  1. 3. Eat something if you are ____.
  2. 5. I avoid AI, I'm scared the ____ kill me.
  3. 8. The pork ribs are $20 ____.
  4. 10. I would like a ____ tuna please!
  5. 11. What are you ____ do about it?
  6. 12. Whiskey is best with a large ice ____.
  7. 14. Will this be to stay or ____?
  8. 15. If you make a todo list, do a task ____ it off!
  9. 17. Like a big chicken
  10. 18. Yikes, I've never ____ jail before.
  11. 20. Throw out the bacon ____ out back.
  1. 1. ____ repeat that again?
  2. 2. Wow, ____ pizza all by yourself?
  3. 4. If you told me you bowled a 300, I probably wouldn't ____.
  4. 6. Please ____ the snowy driveway for me.
  5. 7. I prefer wearing a ____ over bifocals.
  6. 9. At a buffet, you can always go back and get ____ food.
  7. 13. ____ Navidad!
  8. 16. My personal life is slow, I'm trying to focus on my ____ development.
  9. 19. Some people think pyrite ____ gold.