Number Spelling

  1. 1. five minus two
  2. 3. half of 100
  3. 5. 170 divided by 10
  4. 6. quattuor
  5. 8. centum
  6. 9. Hannah's class number
  7. 12. Reuben's # minus Abner's #
  8. 15. 900 divided by 100
  9. 16. one dozen
  10. 18. 55+25
  11. 19. 8x2
  12. 20. novem
  13. 21. rained this many days and nights
  1. 1. mille
  2. 2. 20-9
  3. 3. 3 groups of 5
  4. 4. 2x7
  5. 7. 7+6
  6. 10. _____ days hath September
  7. 11. the number of weekdays in four weeks
  8. 13. two less than 20
  9. 14. 7 times 10
  10. 17. 100-40