Remote Learning and Special Education

  1. 5. if communication requirements or other accommodations cannot be met, _______ need to come up with a solution together
  2. 7. The _____ ____ is in charge of communicating remote learning requirements (clue: two words)
  3. 8. Accommodation, modification and alternative programming are all examples of ________ support/instruction.
  4. 10. It is important for us to support all students, including those with _____ _____ needs. (clue: two words)
  1. 1. Schooling during public health emergencies, natural disasters or other unplanned events that forces the closure of classrooms and schools results in the need of ___ ___ (clue: two words)
  2. 2. To keep a _________ approach in teacher’s remote instruction, this policy was implemented.
  3. 3. Every day, teachers should try to provide _____.
  4. 4. Alongside synchronous learning, teachers must provide a wide range of different _____ _______ for students with special education needs. (clue: two words)
  5. 6. Students can request help from the school board with accessing assistive technology. An example of an aid is the ___. (Clue: acronym)
  6. 9. While difficult, educators should consider and adhere to students' __ during remote learning. (clue: acronym)