
  1. 4. there are 2 types
  2. 6. lay person that decides on sentencing
  3. 8. dangerous criminals that need to be away from public as they are so dangerous
  4. 12. prepares pre sentence reports
  5. 13. dissuades people from offending or reoffending
  6. 15. factor that makes sentence more serious
  7. 16. legal professional that decides on sentencing
  8. 17. criminal liability
  1. 1. helps solve the issues that lie behind the criminal behaviour
  2. 2. sentence that is an alternative to prison
  3. 3. lists the main aims of sentencing
  4. 5. factor that makes the sentence lighter
  5. 7. decision made by jury in a trial
  6. 9. spending time inside
  7. 10. naming and shaming
  8. 11. the offender makes ammends for their crime
  9. 14. retributive sentence to punish the offender