Peace and Love

  1. 7. Closeness between two people in a personal relationship. It is built over time with care and trust, when you can share your true self and feel safe to do so
  2. 8. Knowledge and perception of your own states of mind, feelings, thoughts, emotions, and how it’s all affected by the world around you
  3. 10. Quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. Having the best interest of another person in mind
  4. 11. Being thankful, ready to show appreciation for and to return kindness
  5. 13. Expressing your thoughts and feelings to others and being open about your true self. Exposing yourself to a potential injury, requires trust
  6. 16. Ability to manage distressing emotions of yourself and another person together through connection and activities
  7. 17. Trust and belief in your own self, feeling which is created after an action you are proud of
  1. 1. Feeling of sincere concern for somebody who is experiencing something difficult or painful but without sharing their feelings, experience, or emotional state – a more shallow version of empathy
  2. 2. Feeling you get, when you are confronted with another person’s misfortune or suffering and are motivated to relieve them of it by gentle kindness, careful listening without judgment, encouragement, acceptance, taking appropriate action
  3. 3. sympathetic sorrow for somebody, feeling sorry for them, feeling regret that things are the way they are; it is based on differences
  4. 4. A clear line where one thing begins and where it ends. Between people, it can define our separate personal space, identity, responsibilities, and the way we want to be treated. You can respect it in another person by controlling your own actions toward them
  5. 5. Type of discussion, which has the goal of reaching an agreement, meeting the needs of both sides, and finding common ground
  6. 6. Acting with curiosity towards other person’s story, hearing them out and asking related questions, giving attention
  7. 9. Receiving something that is offered to you, recognizing something or someone in your life without trying to change it
  8. 12. Ability to hear and see someone else’s feelings and emotions as if they were happening to you and understand their situation by actively sharing their emotional experience. It is based on similarities and shared humanity
  9. 14. Regard for people’s feelings, wishes, opinions, and life; shown to the ones you care about how they feel
  10. 15. Belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of something or someone