International Trade Agreements and Organizations

  1. 2. It is responsible for most decisions within the EU, and it includes one representative per country.
  2. 4. American branch plants in Mexico that arose because of NAFTA. Here, Mexican workers’ rights were oftentimes abused.
  3. 5. A trade agreement that regulates trade within the three strongest North American economies.
  4. 7. This currency is used by most EU countries, and it is the most used currency in Europe as a continent.
  5. 8. A Globalization Strategy that regards the world as one single market. Products are made and advertised equally throughout the world, and companies make all decisions in their home country.
  6. 9. This organization provides developing countries with support. It is formed by two institutions and it counts 186 members.
  7. 10. A process occurring when a company assigns production tasks to an external supplier.
  8. 11. Trade organization that includes 21 members of the Pacific Rim. Its purpose is to strengthen the Pacific Rim countries by facilitating trade and developing good relationships with each other.
  9. 13. The multidomestic strategy is based on this view. It argues that decisions as to each country’s marketing operations should be made by a business’ specific branch that deals with that country.
  10. 14. This view assumes customers of all ethnicities want the same product and react similarly to marketing strategies. Levi Strauss uses this approach.
  11. 17. The US, Canada, Italy, Japan the UK, Russia, France, the EU and Germany are part of this agreement. It includes the main economies of the world, and members discuss macroeconomic issues.
  12. 18. This Belgian city is where the EU’s headquarters are located.
  13. 19. An agreement that involves Canada, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Switzerland.
  14. 20. Trade agreement signed in 1993, encompassing 27 countries in Europe. It instituted its own anthem, currency and flag.
  15. 22. Subsidiary of the World Bank. It manages credit and loans to trusted countries.
  16. 23. It deals with some of the EU legislative and administrative decisions. It is elected by EU citizens and it meets four times a year.
  17. 24. This globalization strategy suggests that companies should cater to customers in each country with varying products and marketing campaigns. It is suitable to situations where there are marked differences between countries, and decisions may be made by local subsidiaries.
  18. 26. Organization of countries working together to ameliorate lives of humans and bolster favourable ties between countries. It arose during WWII.
  19. 29. Organizations whose purpose is to foster and facilitate trade. These can be either global or national organizations meant to increase trade with a specific country.
  20. 31. Organization that helps countries manage capital more efficiently, lends money to countries in need and provides individuals with training in the finance sector.
  1. 1. trade agreement between three or more countries
  2. 3. In this area, all American countries except Cuba would trade freely. Despite efforts, Brazil and Venezuela had claimed that their interests were not being met, and talks have not been fruitful ever since.
  3. 6. This strategy seeks to meet the needs of local markets while maintaining the global strategy’s efficiencies. Production occurs where it is most convenient, whereas marketing decisions are made by local subsidiaries.
  4. 7. Occurs when larger production equals larger savings.
  5. 8. It includes the 20 strongest economies of the world. Its purpose is to improve economic growth and facilitate international trade and good relations between countries.
  6. 12. It addresses international policies, the exchange of goods and services and the elimination of tariffs and duties. It also fosters foreign investment.
  7. 15. An agreement through which double taxation and tax evasion are countered. It is also facilitates international business by enhancing economic freedom.
  8. 16. This view argues that the best interest of the company is as important as cultural differences. It is associated with the Transational Strategy
  9. 17. in an economic context, it implies the exchange of goods, services, investment, ideas, people and talent between all countries in the global market. It started growing exponentially after WWII.
  10. 21. Manages daily operations in the EU and it represent its whole, rather than having a national focus. It deals with some economic choices such as trade agreements.
  11. 25. It deals with underdeveloped countries and supports them. It is one of the two subsidiaries of the World Bank.
  12. 27. It has 153 members and its goal is to promote and enhance international trade practices. It provides a set of rules and a place to solve disputes and sign deals.
  13. 28. trade agreement between two countries
  14. 30. Its 30 members promote democracy and the free market. It is based in Paris, and it promotes trade and economic growth.