Star Wars Roleplay

  1. 1. The ____, home of the Corvinus family
  2. 3. If you lose a limb, you can replace it with one of these.
  3. 5. Planet in the outer rim
  4. 6. These bovines can be found throughout the galaxy.
  5. 9. Coruscant's top Gravball striker
  6. 12. The home planet of Lurmen
  7. 15. A grown man in the body of a child
  8. 16. A troublesome anarchist
  9. 19. The head of the Corvinus family
  10. 21. Bertram's first love was one of these.
  11. 23. An academy specializing in covert ops
  12. 24. Coruscant Academy's running track
  13. 26. The best brother
  14. 28. Rivals of the raven
  15. 29. Galaxy's cutest Tuka
  16. 30. "Never trust a ______."
  17. 32. These monks believe in separating their bodies from all that is physical.
  18. 34. Raven
  19. 37. Largest monster Bertram has ever faced.
  20. 40. Jedi weapon
  21. 41. A large corporation spanning the entire galaxy (great deals!)
  22. 42. The CIS capital
  23. 43. Previous commandant of the Arkanis academy
  24. 44. A cute slicer boy
  25. 45. A swath of unnavigable desert separating Mos Muerta from the larger civilizations on Tatooine
  26. 46. Henry's partner at Coruscant's spy program
  27. 47. Projectile weapon
  28. 48. A dense forest world in the mid rim
  1. 2. Believes himself to be the king of Arkanis
  2. 4. Has attempted to kill Henry at least twice.
  3. 6. Primary soldier of the CIS
  4. 7. Also known as a Sith Hound
  5. 8. Tiny assassin
  6. 10. A clone-wars era Jedi who loves coupons
  7. 11. The central hub of the galaxy
  8. 13. the name of Azil and Erin's ship
  9. 14. Former flight instructor at Arkanis
  10. 15. A well-known Coruscant family
  11. 17. ______ Major, the planet where Henry met his fiancée
  12. 18. Orias' race
  13. 20. A cute officer who likes to be in charge
  14. 22. You don't need anyone as long as you have ____.
  15. 25. The strong brother
  16. 27. Location of Skystrike Academy
  17. 31. The dead brother
  18. 33. An IT teacher who's too good for his job
  19. 35. The senate´s first name
  20. 36. A jungle planet in the inner rim
  21. 38. Drop trooper academy
  22. 39. This young tactician was an hero before his graduation from Coruscant Imperial Academy.
  23. 40. The Hutt that recently moved to Mos Muerta
  24. 41. The pilot brother