Addi chandler

  1. 2. who is Addis best friend?
  2. 4. addis favorite animal
  3. 8. what Disney character did addi dress up as on Disney day?
  4. 9. what is Addis code name for one of her crushes?
  5. 10. what is Addis last name?
  6. 12. what is addis favorite color
  7. 14. best gluten free snack?
  8. 15. what letter does Addis middle name start with?
  1. 1. What does addis last name come from (witch word)
  2. 3. what are Addis dogs names?
  3. 5. what did addi spend 15 minutes looking for just four it to be under her bed?
  4. 6. what fruit did addi dress up to match with?
  5. 7. when’s Addis brithday?
  6. 11. someone who is rude to addi
  7. 13. who is Addis little brother?