HSB4U Vocabulary Review

  1. 4. Becoming completely consumed by technology
  2. 6. To stray from social norms, may be positive or negative
  3. 9. The study of groups, behaviours and institutions
  4. 13. The study of cultures
  5. 15. Behaviour associated with fitting in, compliance with socially set norms or standards of a group
  6. 16. These countries are very dependent on the core and semi-periphery countries in the World Systems Theory
  7. 17. The study of the mind and cognitive processes
  1. 1. The process of interaction and connection amongst nations of the world
  2. 2. The way a person views the world through their own lens of experiences and socialization
  3. 3. Born in the 80's and 90s, also known as Gen Y
  4. 5. This theory of deviance that states that a persons identity is largely based on how others view them
  5. 7. The Low Income Cut Off Line
  6. 8. Being isolated from a group
  7. 10. The study of population trends
  8. 11. This type of data has been collected by someone else, ex. website, article
  9. 12. The Generation that makes up our current aging population
  10. 14. This type of data is conducted by the researcher, ex. survey, questionnaire