Winter Workout

  1. 3. Its in the sky obscuring the view
  2. 7. Water stands very still in the cold
  3. 8. Birds fly South
  4. 10. let it do this outside
  5. 11. They hang from the eaves
  6. 13. Days of Christmas
  7. 15. When the temperature rises
  8. 16. Can't see for snow
  9. 18. Land at the South Pole
  10. 20. Also known as Three Kings Day
  11. 21. nothing when water freezes
  12. 23. Habitant of North America
  13. 25. To kill Santa's one
  14. 27. Unfreeze the food
  15. 28. Winter is one of them
  16. 31. Abominable snowman?
  17. 32. Not a friend of the Titanic
  1. 1. December 21st is this day
  2. 2. Whales cry for this body fat
  3. 4. Relax, it's not warm
  4. 5. Its white and sharp
  5. 6. We make them and break them
  6. 7. An icy cold film
  7. 9. An open one with roasting chestnuts
  8. 12. To keep the food cool
  9. 14. A large mass of ice
  10. 17. He's behind you!
  11. 19. Not a plus temperature
  12. 22. Snow house
  13. 24. In Royal David's City
  14. 25. Jump up at the end of Winter
  15. 26. The end of David's Winter Tale
  16. 29. Downhill snow transport
  17. 30. Spreading salt on the roads