Superhero Origin Stories

  1. 3. a sudden change of mind, especially one that is unexplained
  2. 7. a person thinking creatively or introducing new ideas
  3. 8. making a firm decision, and not changing your mind about it
  4. 9. the dismissing or refusal of an idea or proposal
  5. 12. very famous or popular
  6. 13. fragments of a bomb or shell thrown out from an explosion
  7. 14. characterized by extreme distress or sorrow
  8. 15. a loose sleeveless cloak
  1. 1. too powerful to be defeated or overcome
  2. 2. a person who deliberately destroys or damages something
  3. 4. the quality of being clever, original, and inventive
  4. 5. the dark shape or outline of someone, especially in a dim light
  5. 6. punishment inflicted in retaliation for an injury or offense
  6. 10. too many to be counted
  7. 11. the most successful point of (of human ability)