for you dear rikki even though you hate crosswords <3 <3 :)

  1. 2. Rikki animal
  2. 7. When you said my world cup predictions were bad it was______
  3. 9. A tiny pork
  4. 10. A fruity dog
  5. 13. Chard girlfriend
  6. 15. Animal odyssey
  7. 16. Toz boyfriend
  8. 17. Not no
  1. 1. One of the best animals/your bf
  2. 3. Not tiny dad
  3. 4. Could I maybe have a_____?
  4. 5. Diabetes drink
  5. 6. 14/2
  6. 8. Not the night
  7. 11. All Toz boyfriends are this
  8. 12. Not Sad
  9. 14. A happy little fellow/your first love