The Human Body

  1. 3. Pumps blood throughout body
  2. 4. Stores Oxygen that then enters the bloodstream
  3. 5. This system allows you to get energy from food
  4. 11. These carry blood toward heart
  5. 13. produces all movement
  6. 16. Absorbs most of the nutrients from food
  7. 19. Squeezes food into stomach
  8. 21. These carry blood away from the heart
  9. 23. Stores energy in form of sugar
  10. 24. This system allows us to extract wastes from our body
  11. 25. tiny air sacs, oxygen passes through it into the blood
  12. 27. This system transports blood throughout the body
  13. 28. This system has bones
  14. 29. This system contains the brain and controls our functions
  1. 1. Breaks food apart
  2. 2. Absorbs water from digested chyme
  3. 6. This system produces hormones
  4. 7. keeps bones from rubbing together
  5. 8. Allows passage of air
  6. 9. Support and protect
  7. 10. 2 of these, removes extras wastes and fluids from body
  8. 12. This system allows you to move
  9. 14. Carries oxygen
  10. 15. This system contains the lungs
  11. 17. These connect muscle to the bone
  12. 18. Below the lungs, dome shaped, lets air into lungs
  13. 20. Controls sugar levels, produces special juice that lets nutrients out of foods
  14. 22. Churns food and mixes it with enzymes and other acids
  15. 26. HAHAHAHAHA ouch (not an organ)