Us <3

  1. 2. key factor when it comes to fountain-ponies
  2. 4. Panky musings
  3. 6. all-time favourite comfort show
  4. 8. when reesu sees you next, she will ___
  5. 10. last name of fictional bedtime story series protagonist
  6. 12. Dedicated hour to reading together
  7. 13. Our favourite game together
  8. 15. our favourite genre of movies
  9. 17. you are the ____ to my Rory
  10. 18. your hidden talent
  11. 20. I have your ___
  1. 1. you drive, I _____
  2. 3. I have a box/folder for all your ___ to me
  3. 5. our iconic twinning outfit
  4. 7. our favourite dessert
  5. 9. Scooty renters where we are no longer welcome
  6. 11. you added stars to my ___ dress
  7. 14. a professional cutie
  8. 16. good for pizza as well as my head
  9. 19. 'state' of the art you created tirelessly for