
  1. 3. Portal to search and download software app
  2. 8. Small personal computers, design to be portable
  3. 9. Mobile phone, performs functions of telephone and PC
  4. 12. Person who operates a video camera
  5. 13. Takes data from computer and generates it on paper
  6. 14. Mainly used for for operate an arrow on the screen
  7. 15. Desktop computers, intended for personal use
  1. 1. Allows devices to communicate without cables or wires
  2. 2. Device that convert electrical energy into acoustical energy
  3. 4. Combination of camera and recorder
  4. 5. Input device to enter letters, numbers, and other symbols
  5. 6. Small speaker
  6. 7. Wearable computer in the form of a watch
  7. 10. Mobile computing device, designed to be held in one or two hands
  8. 11. Simon Personal Communicator