Legal Borderlands

  1. 2. Opposite of savage, adjective that China (and PR) just didn't quite meet (W2,6)
  2. 6. Not trite term, fear that would be used on US like the US used it in other countries (W3)
  3. 10. Center of US Empire and not part of it (W7)
  4. 13. Kind of medicine specifically designed for survival of Europeans in areas which they were not suited for (W6)
  5. 14. At the center of US's image, in conflict with 66A (W1)
  6. 16. May be relinquished, not perpetual (W3)
  7. 18. "Even with development, who is being served by these innovations?"
  8. 21. Group for antislavery (and anti-immigrant), for the wrong reasons (W4)
  9. 24. Type of weapons the US (and other countries) have lost (HT)
  10. 25. "Rise of GMOs means some countries are increasingly reliant on these big companies, continuing harm today"
  11. 27. What occurred to some US citizens that did not look it (HT)
  12. 28. Fear in some PR groups, not unfounded but misplaced (W6)
  13. 29. Impossible for the US to do, teutonics (W5)
  14. 30. Swiss hacker accessed this unsecured national list (HT)
  15. 35. Asian laborer vs. European (W4)
  16. 37. "An incorporated state does not derive its power from the Fed. Gov't whereas an unincorporated state does"
  17. 38. When law allows for lawlessness (W1)
  18. 40. State considering property ban on citizens of China (HT)
  19. 41. "Tension between physical space and ideas behind physical space, obvious in GTMO - literally leased out + domination of bodies"
  20. 42. Acquisition of these raised questions about US identity (W1)
  21. 44. Purchased from Russia in 1867, became a state in 1958
  22. 46. Scene of debate in PR, involuntary (W6)
  23. 47. "The national myth is then two parts: our contemporary myth of the melting pot and the historical myth of the promise of reconstruction"
  24. 49. Hypothesis by Foucault, controlling society by controlling language (W4)
  25. 52. Workers, to land owners, seen as (W4)
  26. 53. What citizens from Other countries are seen as, but not US
  27. 55. The belief that the US is inherently different and has an obligation to promote democracy in other countries
  28. 57. American Empire role that emerged post 9/11 relating to War on Terror on other countries (W7)
  29. 60. 3rd world countries were rushed into integration of national economies into this larger marketplace (W8)
  30. 62. Act passed with little discussion or thought (W6)
  31. 65. International financial institution, loans for development (W8)
  32. 66. Contradiction, reframed to fit US empire identity
  33. 68. Number of destinations passport holders can access translates to: (HT)
  34. 69. "A form of othering in terms of sexuality in private sphere, portraying PR women as biologically different was convenient at this time"
  35. 73. Forever prevalent in global, legal discussions, idea based on the difference between the West and East (W2)
  36. 74. Goes with opposite of Western (W2)
  37. 76. Cobbler by another name (W3)
  38. 77. With 19D, idea of returning to the ‘sacred centers’ of ancient indigenous civilizations in order to modernize (W8)
  39. 78. "By problematizing PR women's bodies the states made them into problems that needed US"
  40. 79. Ignored during modernization, treating all nations as uniform (W8)
  41. 80. Created, produced and controlled by Western "experts," ​​fitting countries in as characters in the right "roles" (W2)
  42. 81. Lack of clarity, used as a tool in US law
  1. 1. Constructed, moldable key aspect of the US empire
  2. 3. In Downes v Bidwell, question of whether these could be taxed (W5)
  3. 4. "The fact that its an imagined concept means it can be used in different ways detached from real situations"
  4. 5. With 10A,what it has been since 14th century (W7)
  5. 7. US stepped in after this occurred in Haiti (HT)
  6. 8. Control over one area, at times purposefully unclear
  7. 9. Annexed in 1898, after political turmoil and US military intervention
  8. 11. What determined if people were seen fit to rule themselves (W6,4)
  9. 12. Where many anthropologists were taught (W8)
  10. 15. On maps, Puerto Rico, Guam, etc (W1)
  11. 17. Group of cases that used 81A, relating to territories (W5)
  12. 19. According to some, all countries, especially 3rd world, should strive to achieve this, HDI measures it (W8)
  13. 20. Sign recently removed from the side of building next to Saieh (HT)
  14. 22. Leading to international waters questions, found in a ship at in Colombian waters (HT)
  15. 23. Proving your worth to the country, then and now(W3)
  16. 26. "​​Refugees have an exceptionalism around them that is taken advantage of to further divide two sides of the binary"
  17. 31. Suggested bill in MA for prisoners to donate ____ (HT)
  18. 32. Contradiction reframed to fit US empire (W7)
  19. 33. With 66A theory used to reframe interference in other countries
  20. 34. Asian laborers confused this process in the US as they were not easily categorized in the racial binary (W4)
  21. 36. ____ problems in GTMO were a reflection of what was occurring in mainland US (W7)
  22. 39. Calls for this by the UN to Haiti, divisive(HT)
  23. 43. "For developing countries, going through development is destructive"
  24. 45. What follows the flag (W5)
  25. 48. "Heritage was tied to a dominance, created an idea that was tied to race, this justified american empire"
  26. 50. System of thought that underlies political or economic theory and policy and guides the actions of people
  27. 51. Where the Court hid answers on constitutional rights (W7)
  28. 54. Economic model that emphasizes public ownership, in W8 shown as building things they did not need to build to stay busy (W8)
  29. 56. Hard to differentiate from immigration (change 5 letters to get this word) (W4)
  30. 58. Economic model that emphasizes the role of individual's actions in climbing the ladder (W8, 4, 5)
  31. 59. Brazilian President, hiding in Florida(HT)
  32. 61. Placed opposite of subject, passive (W3)
  33. 63. opposite of citizen (W1)
  34. 64. Model US moved into, seen in US being referred to as one entity vs multiple contracting states (W5)
  35. 67. Where law is made, lies outside the core
  36. 70. Myth of Westphalian order: Equal ___ (W3)
  37. 71. "The lack of law was by design, GTMO workers operated under specific conditions, there are parallels between a corporation and GTMO"
  38. 72. "New paradigms are not reactionary, they are made real through [...] the power that is exerted on them"
  39. 75. What geographical regions and the characteristics to assigned to them are (W2)