Pregnancy Puzzle

  1. 4. what a baby is called during the 8th or 9th week during the final stage of pregnancy
  2. 5. this happens about every 28 days when an ovum is released
  3. 7. this is called the fertilized egg
  4. 10. a male cell
  5. 11. an egg cell
  6. 12. the lining of the uterus has thickened enough to provide a place for the zygote to attach itself and continue to grow
  7. 13. when sperm reaches the fallopian tybes
  8. 14. this is rich in blood vessels and attaches to the uterus wall
  9. 15. a sac that fills with fluid and surrounds the embryo
  1. 1. the organ in a womens body in which a baby developes
  2. 2. Doctor takes a mature ovum
  3. 3. what the developing baby is called from 3-8 weeks
  4. 6. a cord that connects the baby to the placenta
  5. 8. A form of diabetes that only form during diabetes
  6. 9. uses a sample of tissue from the membrane that encases the fetus is snipped for sampling
  7. 14. this is the babys development during a pregnancy (it has 3 stages)