Grade Rule Terminology

  1. 2. An area containing a large concentration of solid resin.
  2. 4. The wood of pale color near the outside of the tree
  3. 7. An opening extending parallel to the annual growth rings that may contain solid or liquid pitch.
  4. 10. A black or brown discoloration line in Hemlock that can emit from either end of a bark pocket or appear separately.
  5. 12. That portion of a limb remaining within the board.
  1. 1. An occurrence within Hemlock that can be related to decay.
  2. 3. An area of the wide surface that was too thin to clean up.
  3. 5. A visible separation between annular rings that can extend into the length of the board.
  4. 6. A lengthwise separation of the wood that usually extends across the rings of annual growth and commonly results from stresses set up in the wood during seasoning(drying).
  5. 8. Bark or lack of wood from any cause on an edge or corner of a board.
  6. 9. The wood extending from the pith to the sapwood, the cells of which no longer participate in the life process of the tree. Heartwood is usually darker and more decay resistant than sapwood.
  7. 11. The decomposition of wood substance by fungi.