Solar System

  1. 4. first planet from the sun
  2. 7. the abbreviation for this is AU
  3. 9. fifth planet from the sun
  4. 10. Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are all classified as these planets
  5. 12. this is a small body of ice, rock or dust in space
  6. 14. this is the force of attraction between objects due to their masses
  7. 16. No longer considered a planet, but it used to be our ninth planet.
  8. 17. sixth planet from the sun
  9. 19. this is the term used to describe the apparent shift in position of an object when it is viewed from different places
  10. 20. seventh planet from the sun
  11. 23. this is the shape of the galaxy where we live
  12. 25. this is an instrument used to collect and concentrate light from distant objects to make them more visible
  1. 1. this is space and all of the energy and matter in it
  2. 2. this terms is the path that a particular object follows as it travels around another body in space
  3. 3. second planet from the sun
  4. 5. third planet from the sun
  5. 6. this scientist came up with three laws of motion of objects on Earth and in space
  6. 8. this is the distance that light travels in a vacuum in one year
  7. 11. eighth planet from the sun
  8. 13. this is the name of a small, rocky or metallic body that may be debris left over from when the solar system was formed
  9. 15. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are all classified as these planets
  10. 18. fourth planet from the sun
  11. 21. this is the name of the closest star to us
  12. 22. this is the name of the galaxy we live in
  13. 24. this is a small, irregularly shaped rocky and metallic body that usually orbit the sun in the asteroid belt