Hamlet Crossword

  1. 3. Where does Hamlet hide Polonius' body?
  2. 8. Who does Hamlet keep alive to share his story?
  3. 10. What is the name of the play within a play?
  4. 15. Who does Hamlet think should be the new King of Denmark?
  5. 18. What literary device do the pirates serve as?
  6. 19. What is the reason Polonius thinks hamlet has gone mad?
  7. 20. Laertes faces off against Hamlet in what kind of sports match?
  1. 1. Claudius thinks Hamlet is dangerous, so he sends him to what country?
  2. 2. Who does hamlet have killed for betraying him?
  3. 4. Hamlets famous soliloquy begins with what famous words?
  4. 5. Who does Gertrude remarry after the death of King Hamlet?
  5. 6. Who dies while eavesdropping on Hamlet and Gertrude?
  6. 7. In what "non-Christian" way is Ophelia believed to have died?
  7. 9. Who goes mad after the death of Polonius?
  8. 11. Hamlet goes after Claudius because of his desire for what?
  9. 12. Fortinbras ask for permission to cross through Denmark in order to invade what country?
  10. 13. Who's ghost do the guards see in the beginning of the play?
  11. 14. Where does Hamlet go to college?
  12. 16. Claudius killed King Hamlet by putting poison in which body part?
  13. 17. Gertrude dies from drinking what?