
  1. 3. A small, hard seed, especially of wheat, corn, rice, or another cereal plant
  2. 4. earth that has been mixed with water
  3. 7. an area that a farmer cultivate
  4. 8. one of the many soft, light things that cover a bird's body
  5. 9. a field especially of arable land or pastureland
  6. 10. a male cow
  7. 12. large building for the storage of farm products or feed and usually for the housing of farm animals or farm equipment
  8. 14. a bird that Americans eat at Thanksgiving
  9. 15. the process or period of gathering in crops
  10. 17. a male domestic chicken
  11. 18. large farming tool with sharp blades that is pulled across the soil to turn it over
  12. 19. man's best friend
  13. 20. animal that looks like a horse and it is known to be stubborn
  1. 1. a man or a woman that lives on a farm
  2. 2. sheep, pigs, cows, chickens
  3. 4. the white liquid produced by cows, goats, and sheep
  4. 5. a small cart with a single wheel at the front and two supporting legs and two handles at the rear,
  5. 6. a young cat
  6. 11. grass that has been mown and dried for use as fodder
  7. 13. money that government pays to farmers to help them
  8. 16. a vehicle that helps farmer to work in the field