  1. 2. this has 4 leaves and is considered lucky
  2. 6. wear this color to not be pinched
  3. 8. this makes kites fly
  4. 9. rain mixed with dirt
  5. 10. a loud noise associated with storms
  6. 11. you find a pot of this at the end of a rainbow
  7. 13. April showers bring May ________
  8. 14. small tree-dwelling rodents
  9. 17. pale color scheme popular in Springtime
  10. 19. a hive insect that collects pollen for honey
  11. 20. an animal with a cotton ball tail
  1. 1. plants flowers and vegetables grow in this small plot of land
  2. 3. type of boots you wear in spring
  3. 4. green things that grow on trees
  4. 5. small insects that fly and have beautiful wings
  5. 7. rays of color that can be seen after a rainshower
  6. 12. Madness college basketball tournament that happens in Spring
  7. 15. used to cover you from the rain
  8. 16. a thing to place Easter eggs and treats in
  9. 18. tool for cutting grass