Spring Crossword

  1. 2. The first month of spring.
  2. 7. The largest American state that does not recognize daylight savings time.
  3. 9. One of the first flowers to bloom in spring.
  4. 11. Bees, butterflies, and ladybugs are “_____” that are commonly seen in the spring.
  5. 12. Person engaged in agriculture.
  6. 13. A vacation period including Easter holidays in early spring.
  1. 1. Enjoyable spring activity.
  2. 3. Just like winter and fall, spring is a “______”.
  3. 4. The “_____” day of spring is called the vernal equinox.
  4. 5. “________”, also called Pesach, is a major Jewish holiday that celebrates the Biblical story of the Israelites escape from slavery in Egypt.
  5. 6. The Greek goddess of spring.
  6. 8. The name for a young duck.
  7. 10. These flowers represent rebirth, renewal, and new beginnings.
  8. 14. This specific type of sandwich has its own day on Sunday, April 2 of each year.
  9. 15. Robins, blue jays, and chickadees are common “_____” that are often seen in the spring.