Romeo & Juliet

  1. 1. Where was Shakespeare buried?
  2. 5. What month was Shakespeare born in?
  3. 6. grove? Where was Romeo instead of the fight?
  4. 10. Who does Lady Capulet want Juliet to marry
  5. 12. Who sponsored Shakespeare
  6. 13. Who is Lord Capulet's daughter
  7. 15. Who did Shakespeare marry?
  8. 16. Who says this "Beat them down with your clubs, spears, and axes. Hit them! Down with the Capulets! Down with the Montagues!"
  9. 17. Shakespeare died in the _______ century
  10. 19. Who is Montague's son?
  11. 20. Where does Romeo and Juliet take place?
  1. 2. Romeo's love interest took a vow of ____
  2. 3. Who is Lord Montague's nephew
  3. 4. Who has a better relationship with Juliet?
  4. 7. What house were the servants from that started the fight?
  5. 8. What does Lady Capulet compare Paris to?
  6. 9. Who tried to continue the fight between the servants?
  7. 11. What country was Shakespeare born in?
  8. 14. How old is Juliet?
  9. 18. how many children did Shakespeare have?