Word Work Crossword.

  1. 4. Solving a problem without having to fight.
  2. 7. The introduction of harmful materials into the environment.
  3. 10. Throwing your trash in a certain bin so that it can be picked up and in a factory exactly for that piece of trash.
  4. 12. Making a smaller amount in degree or size.
  5. 13. A substance or an object that can be decomposed by a bacteria or any living organism.
  6. 15. a change which is a result or consequence of an action or other cause.
  7. 16. an advantage or profit gained from something.
  8. 17. Having a clue or something that gives you proof.
  1. 1. Make a dramatic change in form or character.
  2. 2. A material that can be molded while soft and then molded into a certain form.
  3. 3. Throwing something away or selling it to someone else.
  4. 5. Cause something like an emotional situation. Or a conflict.
  5. 6. Having an affect on something or making a difference.
  6. 8. Disagreeing with someone and having different opinions. ( getting upset about it)
  7. 9. Talking with someone who has a different opinion.
  8. 11. the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone.
  9. 12. To use again especially in a different way or using it more than once.
  10. 14. Something that has an endless supply or doesn't run out.