Scientific Method

  1. 1. the best, most logical explanation for a phenomenon based on evidence
  2. 5. a set of procedures used to test a hypothesis
  3. 9. sharing results of an experiment through publication, social media, or word of mouth
  4. 10. Variable factor that is changed in an experiment and goes on the x-axis
  5. 11. rule of nature that sums up related observations to describe a phenomenon in nature
  6. 13. what you ask after making an observation
  1. 2. an educated guess or proposed explanation for an observation
  2. 3. a factor or condition that is subject to change
  3. 4. the use of one of the five senses or measurements to gather information
  4. 6. Variable factor that is measured in an experiment and goes on the y-axis
  5. 7. factor that does not vary or change in an experiment
  6. 8. a standard of comparison in an experiment
  7. 12. a summary of the results of the experiment
  8. 14. Method organized set of investigation procedures used by scientists