Karen and Adam's Crossword

  1. 1. This word represents worship, faith, devotion, and purity in Buddhism and Hinduism.
  2. 3. (2 words) AKA Richard Alpert, this beloved spiritual teacher was fired from Harvard for controversial LSD experiments
  3. 5. Bitter and sweet, K and A’s favorite treat.
  4. 8. (2 words) One of Adam’s favorite forms of exercise is creatively named for where it is best enjoyed.
  5. 9. This grocery store was where Adam and Karen first met and got picnic supplies for their first date during Covid lockdown
  6. 11. (2 words) Where Karen studied Traditional Chinese Medicine in Santa Monica.
  7. 14. (2 words) Adam thought he would get sick of his favorite treat by opening this franchise - he was wrong.
  8. 16. Karen makes good points in this her profession.
  9. 18. The illusion of this reality - and also the name of our dog.
  10. 19. South Korea’s #1 export is our number 1 import thanks to Zoey.
  11. 21. This point, just south of Zuma beach is where Adam and Karen had their first date.
  12. 23. (2 words) Karen puts a needle in this acupuncture point located between the eyebrows whenever Adam feels anxious.
  13. 25. A stilling of the mind, connecting to the divine can be a chill time.
  14. 26. The family nickname for our dog is also a common midwest breakfast item.
  15. 27. (2 words) Because Adam is lazy and can't drink plain water, he adds a spoonful of this to make his water brown and bitter (because it tastes better?).
  1. 2. Karen’s favorite fermented beverage - always some in the fridge.
  2. 4. Fields of this Old Testament angel+human crossbreed was Karen’s favorite English goth band in Highschool and College.
  3. 6. (2 words) Adam introduced Karen to his home away from home up in the high sierras. She fell in love with it immediately.
  4. 7. Karen, Adam and Maya (because she gets to eat grass!) often enjoy this outdoor activity.
  5. 8. “Maitake the Lion's Mane for dinner,” Karen says when she’s ordering her favorite food.
  6. 10. Adam and Karen’s first road trip to this desolate national park really turned up the heat in their relationship.
  7. 12. You can still smell Adam from the other room with his replacement for tobacco.
  8. 13. All of the spiritual practices by which one transcends their ego (Buddhism and Hinduism).
  9. 15. These unique mountains, just outside Boulder Colorado, look like an armada of giant ships tossed about in a majestic tidal wave.
  10. 17. The sport that had Adam surrounded by women in high school.
  11. 19. Karen’s go-to meal, which she prepares weekly, is a traditional Ayurvedic recipe for health, healing, and well being (+ turmeric aromatherapy!).
  12. 20. The sport that gave Karen such beautiful legs.
  13. 21. Usually grown in deserts, Adam’s favorite healthy dessert alternative, always frozen for chewy sweetness.
  14. 22. This Hindu monkey god is the embodiment of selfless service to god.
  15. 24. We are swiftly becoming fans of this pop star thanks to Kira.