Part 3 - Crossword Review Questions

  1. 2. This political party was created in 1854 to end slavery and support American businesses.
  2. 5. During the 1800s, many elected leaders in this part of government tried to keep a balance between slave and free states.
  3. 8. This was the state where political violence occurred over slavery. Activists from both sides tried to settle the territory to "swing" the vote.
  4. 9. Many former Whigs joined this political party before the Civil War.
  5. 10. This compromise in 1820 helped create the state of Maine and helped maintain the balance between slave and free states.
  6. 11. This political party was created to gather together all of President Jackson's opponents
  7. 12. This political party was created by President Jackson.
  8. 13. The ________Slave Act required anyone living in "free" states to help stop enslaved people from escaping.
  9. 14. The Kansas-_______ Act let these two territories vote on slavery.
  1. 1. This term means "people power." It is when the people can vote on things.
  2. 3. Violence over slavery in Kansas was called ________ Kansas in the newspapers and history books.
  3. 4. Western __________ helped cause the Civil War as people tried to figure out if slavery could spread to new places.
  4. 5. This state was admitted as a free state after a compromise 1850.
  5. 6. This caused the Civil War. It also caused the Whig Party to break up.
  6. 7. This is the name of the social reform movement that tried to end slavery in the USA.