Science ocean floor

  1. 2. deep dark hole.
  2. 3. A rift valley is a lowland region that forms where Earth's tectonic plates move apart, or rift.
  3. 6. the gently sloping transition between the continental slope and the deep ocean floor.
  4. 7. A fissure in a planet's surface from which geothermally heated water is released
  5. 8. A large area of extremely flat or gently sloping ocean floor just offshore from a continent, at depths of 13,000-20,000 feet
  6. 11. The slope between the outer edge of the continental shelf and the deep ocean floor
  1. 1. A long, narrow, deep depression in the ocean floor, typically one running parallel to a plate boundary and marking a subduction zone
  2. 4. he area of seabed around a large landmass where the sea is relatively shallow compared with the open ocean
  3. 5. Formed by a build up of cooled lava, breaks the surface of the ocean
  4. 9. An underwater mountain range, formed by plate tectonics.
  5. 10. an underwater mountain formed by volcanic activity