Math crossword puzzle

  1. 3. an even line
  2. 4. decrease
  3. 7. square
  4. 9. Multiply length and width
  5. 10. five sided shape
  6. 13. An ___ includes an equal sign, numbers and operations, and sometimes letters.
  7. 15. If you have X x 5 , equal fifteen whats the equal of fifteen?
  8. 17. split
  9. 18. full
  10. 20. A line left to right
  1. 1. all
  2. 2. A device used to find math answers
  3. 5. enough
  4. 6. Chart
  5. 8. Opposite of positive
  6. 11. sum
  7. 12. odd number or letter
  8. 14. long
  9. 16. increase or more - a math operation
  10. 19. small