Biliary Obstructions

  1. 2. Diagnostic/therapeutic; Dye injected into biliary tree for visualization and removal of obstruction
  2. 4. presence of gallstones in the common bile duct
  3. 6. Disease associated with strictures in biliary tract d/t chronic infections (Crytptosporidium, CMV)
  4. 7. increases second messengers IP3/Ca2+; causes gallbladder contraction
  5. 8. air in biliary tree, seen on imaging
  6. 10. Bowel Obstruction due to obstructive gallstones
  7. 11. RUQ pain, fever, jaundice (Triad associated with complication of obstruction)
  8. 13. '____ skinning' pattern of fibrosis seen in Primary sclerosing cholangitis
  9. 15. transient postprandial pain caused by inflammation of gall bladder due to stasis
  10. 18. precipitation of bilirubin polymers caused by hemolysis
  11. 21. junction between pancreatic and common bile ducts
  12. 22. appearance of gallstones on x-ray
  13. 23. cause of idiopathic biliary obstruction in neonates
  14. 25. imaging finding on MRCP for chronic inflammatory process causing dilation and strictures of bile duct
  15. 29. Neoplastic stricture causing biliary obstruction
  16. 31. Valve where large gallstone obstruction frequently occurs
  17. 32. type of malignancy that occurs secondary to recurrent s.typhi infections
  18. 33. Gram stain of pathogens cause of ascending cholangitis
  19. 34. ____ gallbladder; chronic inflammation that increases risk for carcinoma
  20. 35. Biliary _____; caused from chronic obstruction d/t gallstone, pancreatic cancer, biliary stricture
  1. 1. occurs when gallstone erodes gallbladder wall
  2. 3. positive lab finding in disease of fibrotic remodeling of common bile duct
  3. 4. type of bilirubin that builds up in blood secondary to obstruction/bile stasis
  4. 5. Made up of bilirubin, bile salts, cholesterol
  5. 7. _____ duct; site of obstruction causing pancreatitis
  6. 9. signs of cholecystitis and cholangitis
  7. 11. component of most common gallstone; increased d/t altered lipid metabolism; emulsified by bile salts
  8. 12. autoimmune disorder causing strictures in the biliary tree
  9. 14. site of stone formation in primary choledocholithiasis
  10. 16. ____ duct; site of obstruction causing cholecystitis
  11. 17. Trematode responsible for cholangitis
  12. 19. lysosomal enzyme that deconjugates bilirubin, found in intestinal brush border
  13. 20. causes inflammation of terminal ileum, decreasing resorption of substance that causes itching
  14. 24. increases risk for development of stones formed from lipids
  15. 26. elevated in disease associated with UC
  16. 27. type of stimulation that causes release of hormone causing biliary colic
  17. 28. WBCs, lipase, amylase, and LFTs in cholelithiasis
  18. 30. stone caused by mixture of polymers d/t increased level of unconjungated bilirubin due to infection or parasite; associated with parasitic fluke