Vietnam War

  1. 1. unfortunate attack by US military on innocent civilians in a village in Vietnam
  2. 2. type of gasoline that was dropped to burn land and expose enemies
  3. 4. students at Kent State University were doing this (_______) when they were shot at by National Guard
  4. 8. became president after Johnson and promised "peace and honor" in Vietnam
  5. 11. name given for Americans growing distrust of government during the Vietnam War era
  6. 12. coordinated attack, by the Vietcong, on capitals and major cities thought to be controlled by US
  7. 13. person who supported the war
  1. 1. was outspoken about the war in Vietnam and its need to end especially focusing on fact that African Americans were more likely to be drafted and to die in the war
  2. 3. classified information that was leaked to the press about the issues US was facing in Vietnam War
  3. 5. this person decided to NOT run for reelection as president of the United States
  4. 6. belief that if one country fell to communism others would fall as well
  5. 7. many Vietnam veterans were ______ upon returning to the US
  6. 9. person who was forced to fight in the war
  7. 10. Nixon's plan to slowly remove US troops from Vietnam and have them replaced by Vietnamese soldiers