How Well Do You Know The Couple?

  1. 2. How many years has the couple been dating?
  2. 7. Favourite book series
  3. 10. What is the groom's favourite sports team?
  4. 12. What did the couple major in
  5. 13. Couple's first sports event
  6. 15. Couple's first concert
  7. 17. Where did the couple meet?
  8. 18. Couple's favourite pizza topping
  9. 19. What is the groom's favourite fruit?
  10. 20. Groom's least favourite household chore
  1. 1. Couple's first broadway show
  2. 3. Groom's favourite brand of clothes
  3. 4. Couple's first trip
  4. 5. Favourite coffee shop
  5. 6. Favourite TV show
  6. 8. Bride's least favourite household chore
  7. 9. What is the bride's favourite fruit?
  8. 11. What instrument did the couple both play
  9. 14. Groom's favourite movie
  10. 16. Where did the groom live when they did long distance