
  1. 2. this is essential to every body function you have
  2. 3. compounds that help regulate body processes
  3. 5. nutrients that help build and maintain cell membranes
  4. 7. complex carbohydrate that the body cannot break down
  5. 9. fat-like substance that body uses to build cells
  6. 12. these fats are found in poultry, meat, and butter
  7. 14. used by your body as its main source of energy
  8. 15. a unit of heat that measures the energy available in foods
  1. 1. it is important to eat a _____ of foods from each food group
  2. 4. substances in foods that your body needs to grow, have energy, and stay healthy
  3. 6. substances the body uses to form healthy bones, and keep heart working properly
  4. 8. used to build and repair cells
  5. 10. make fruits and vegetables ___ of what you eat at each meal
  6. 11. these fats are found in plant based food
  7. 13. process by which the body breaks down food into smaller pieces