Human land use vocab

  1. 1. internationally comparable measurement index that measures education, health, and living standards
  2. 3. measurement index that combines three basic measures of human status: life expectancy; knowledge and education; and standard of living
  3. 8. method of harvesting trees that involves removing all or most of the trees within an area
  4. 11. study of how humans allocate scarce resources in the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services
  5. 12. subfield of economics that examines the costs and benefits of various policies and regulations that seek to regulate or limit air and water pollution and other causes of environmental degradation
  6. 14. method of harvesting trees that involves the removal of single trees or small number of trees from the larger forest
  7. 17. U.S. federal act that mandates an environmental assessment of all projects involving federal money or federal permits
  8. 18. international program that works in 170 countries around the world to advocate change that will help people obtain a better life through development
  9. 20. measure of economic status that includes personal consumption, income distribution, levels of higher education, resource depletion, pollution, and the health of the population
  10. 22. classification used to designate lands that may be used for recreation, grazing, timber harvesting, mineral extraction.
  11. 27. 1973 U.S. act designed to protect species from extinction
  12. 29. global institution dedicated to the improvement of human health by monitoring and assessing health trends and providing medical advice to countries
  13. 31. global institution dedicated to promoting dialogue among countries with the goal of maintaining world peace
  14. 35. plan that outlines how a developer will address concerns raised by a project’s impact on the environment
  15. 36. principle that grants government the power to acquire a property at fair market value even if the owner does not wish to sell it
  16. 37. Urbanized areas that spread into rural areas, removing clear boundaries between them
  17. 38. area similar to a suburb, but unconnected to any central city or densely populated area
  18. 39. cost or benefit of a good or service that is not included in the purchase price of that good or service or otherwise accounted for
  1. 2. fire deliberately set under controlled conditions in order to reduce the accumulation of dead biomass on a forest floor
  2. 4. document outlining the scope and purpose of a development project, describing the environmental context, suggesting alternative approaches to the project, and analyzing the environmental impact of each alternative
  3. 5. zoning classification that allows retail and high-density residential development to coexist in the same area
  4. 6. organization that oversees all governmental efforts related to the environment, including science, research, assessment, and education
  5. 7. worldview that holds that humans are just one of many species on Earth, all of which have equal intrinsic value
  6. 9. tax placed on environmentally harmful activities or emissions in an attempt to internalize some of the externalities that may be involved in the life cycle of those activities or products
  7. 10. worldview that places equal value on all living organisms and the ecosystems in which they live
  8. 13. national area set aside with the intent of preserving a large tract of intact ecosystem or landscape
  9. 15. approach to removing trees from forests in ways that do not unduly affect the viability of other noncommercial trees
  10. 16. department that advances the energy and economic security of the United States
  11. 19. phenomenon of less developed countries using new technology without first using the precursor technology
  12. 21. maximum amount of a renewable resource that can be harvested without compromising the future availability of that resource
  13. 23. federal public land managed for the primary purpose of protecting wildlife
  14. 24. strategy for pollution control that involves regulations and enforcement mechanisms
  15. 25. Development that attempts to focus dense residential and retail development around stops for public transportation, a component of smart growth
  16. 26. approach to sustainability that considers three factors—economic, environmental, and social—when making decisions about business, the economy, and development
  17. 28. planning tool used to separate industry and business from residential neighborhoods
  18. 30. strategy for pollution control that constructs financial and other incentives for lowering emissions based on profits and benefits
  19. 32. agency of the U.S. Department of Labor, responsible for the enforcement of health and safety regulations
  20. 33. phenomenon of less developed countries adopting technological innovations developed in wealthy countries
  21. 34. degradation of the built and social environments of the city that often accompanies and accelerates migration to the suburbs