Hortatory Exposition

  1. 2. What is the capital city of indonesia?
  2. 3. What network can be used as a link to find answers other than GPRS?
  3. 5. How can students notify their parents to come home?
  4. 11. Which paragraph shows the structure of the thesis is?
  5. 12. In the second argument, students use cellphones as an increase?
  6. 13. Apart from being used for calling, sending texts, taking pictures, cell phones can be used as?
  7. 17. In the last argument, students use mobile phones as extending the network?
  8. 18. What is the title of the text?
  9. 19. Based on the text above, how many reasons cause flood in Jakarta?
  10. 20. How many hours is the average student at school?
  1. 1. What do citizens usually throw into the street and into the river?
  2. 4. Apart from throwing away garbage, what makes Jakarta more and more flooded is building?
  3. 6. How many arguments as to why cell phones shouldn't be banned in school?
  4. 7. Who carries a lot of cellphones at school?
  5. 8. How many paragraphs are there in the text?
  6. 9. How should communication between friends be maintained, one of them using?
  7. 10. “One of *natural* disasters” the bold word is called as?
  8. 14. In the first argument students use cell phones to contact?
  9. 15. Beside earth quake what is one of natural disasters in Indonesia?
  10. 16. In the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th paragraphs including the structure of the hortatory exposition text section?