Unit 36 Review Words - 6th Grade

  1. 3. You must have __ when playing with small children.
  2. 5. This is a __ letter.
  3. 9. My sister is an army __.
  4. 11. His __ record has been perfect.
  5. 12. The singer was pleased with his __.
  6. 14. I need a __ to write this sentence on the board.
  7. 15. Last week he won the school's good __ award.
  8. 16. We learned to measure angles in __ class today.
  9. 17. Please place this __ on the shelf.
  10. 18. Everyone __ Bob came to the game.
  1. 1. What is the temperature reading on your __?
  2. 2. The __ may ask you to leave is you disturb others.
  3. 4. Only one __ for the job will be chosen.
  4. 6. We will study the __ of Texas.
  5. 7. She exercises on a __ bicycle.
  6. 8. How much __ will I need for this job?
  7. 10. This plane will leave in about one __
  8. 12. He game me a __ on my birthday.
  9. 13. How does this __ work?