
  1. 5. Dante's favorite food
  2. 6. Month they got engaged
  3. 10. Dante's favorite sport
  4. 12. Number of states they have visited
  5. 14. Emma's Maid of Honor
  6. 15. High school they both attended
  7. 17. Name of the street they live on
  8. 18. Years they have been dating
  9. 19. Emma's middle name
  10. 20. Name they use to call each other when they were "just friends"
  1. 1. Emma's favorite holiday
  2. 2. Number of siblings Dante has
  3. 3. Dante and Emma's favorite food
  4. 4. Years lived together
  5. 5. Favorite trip together
  6. 7. Month they started dating in
  7. 8. One of Dante's nicknames
  8. 9. Dante favorite superhero
  9. 11. Dante's Best man
  10. 13. What is the Bride scared of
  11. 16. Number of pets