
  1. 1. You wear it on your head when it's sunny.
  2. 4. You can cook and eat in this room.
  3. 8. This is a baby cat
  4. 9. Pears and apples aren't vegetables, they are ....
  5. 11. You sleep and play in this room.
  6. 12. Two spiders have got.... legs.
  1. 2. It rains a lot in ....
  2. 3. It's a cold season
  3. 5. It's sunny and ..... in summer.
  4. 6. It can be apple, orange or tomato. Children like to drink it.
  5. 7. This animal has got two legs and it can fly and sing!
  6. 10. The fisherman isn't happy, he is ....
  7. 11. You wear them on your feet in winter, spring and autumn.