PHS Review

  1. 3. primary color (5 letters)
  2. 4. secondary color (RY)
  3. 6. color scheme using whites, blacks, grays, and beiges
  4. 8. lighter values (add white)
  5. 11. color scheme using only one color
  6. 13. darker values (add black)
  7. 15. primary color (3 letters)
  8. 16. secondary color (RB)
  1. 1. primary color (4 letters)
  2. 2. colors/color scheme using colors on the cool side of the spectrum
  3. 5. most basic element of design
  4. 7. lower intensity (add gray)
  5. 8. color scheme using 3 colors of equal distance on the color wheel
  6. 9. secondary color (YB)
  7. 10. lightness or darkness (add black/white)
  8. 12. colors/color scheme using colors on the warm side of the spectrum
  9. 14. colors