- 3. primary color (5 letters)
- 4. secondary color (RY)
- 6. color scheme using whites, blacks, grays, and beiges
- 8. lighter values (add white)
- 11. color scheme using only one color
- 13. darker values (add black)
- 15. primary color (3 letters)
- 16. secondary color (RB)
- 1. primary color (4 letters)
- 2. colors/color scheme using colors on the cool side of the spectrum
- 5. most basic element of design
- 7. lower intensity (add gray)
- 8. color scheme using 3 colors of equal distance on the color wheel
- 9. secondary color (YB)
- 10. lightness or darkness (add black/white)
- 12. colors/color scheme using colors on the warm side of the spectrum
- 14. colors