Oh baby!

  1. 7. Minnesota town baby Luisa was born in.
  2. 9. Most babies in the U.S. are born in this month.
  3. 10. From a musical: "I just met a girl named _____." (Also Luisa's middle name)
  4. 11. Group who sang the song 'Baby love.'
  5. 14. Scientific-sounding word for a baby's first poo, which doesn't stink. (Ask a parent if you don't know it.)
  6. 15. Word for 'pregnant' in England. Also, what people say they are when they're very full after a meal.
  7. 16. Babies born in this month are the heaviest.
  8. 17. Much to the chagrin of the ants on the log, this was young Luisa's least favorite food.
  9. 20. William's Mom Jody delivered this up until the week before he was born. No, it wasn't other peoples' babies.
  10. 21. Famous premie known for the theory of special relativity (E=mc2).
  11. 22. A baby can recognize a parent's taste in this. But no, they won't judge you if you like Nickleback.
  12. 23. Yo ho ho! This grog ingredient was once used to wash an infant's head for good luck in parts of England.
  13. 28. The only sense organ to develop fully before birth. Also known to contribute to balance.
  14. 29. Fruit-forward name of Gwyneth Paltrow’s daughter.
  15. 30. Land animal with the shortest gestation period (14 days). I'm not playin'.
  16. 32. The first color babies recognize.
  17. 33. It isn't easy being this favorite hoppy animal of little Luisa.
  18. 34. Land animal that never forgets it has the longest gestation period (Up to 23 months). Also featured on William's baby blanket.
  19. 35. Earthly star sign William was born under. Also the last sign, alphabetically.
  20. 36. Gospel-writer name of the hospital where William was born in Racine, Wisconsin.
  21. 37. Birthplace of the world's most famous Nurse. (Hint: It's right there in her name.)
  22. 40. Babies can taste this around 3-4 months.
  23. 41. Help us look for this favorite puzzle book of young William. Red and white striped shirt not required.
  24. 42. Age of their oldest sisters when both William and Luisa were born.
  1. 1. Most common food craving during pregnancy. How dill-icious!
  2. 2. Would you change this most popular baby shower gift?
  3. 3. Where you'd find the fontanelle on a newborn.
  4. 4. 80% of babies are born with this, not just Twain or Ruffalo.
  5. 5. U.S. state with the highest birth rate.
  6. 6. Human infants are the only species that can do this. :)
  7. 8. Most common day of the week for babies to make their entrance.
  8. 12. Babies do this about every 20 minutes for the first 6 months of life. Someone's gotta keep Huggies in business!
  9. 13. Despite having heads, shoulders, and toes, babies are born without these body parts.
  10. 18. Avian-inspired name for baby showers in South Africa.
  11. 19. One of the most common boys names in 2023, according to Today. Could also be a nickname for William (but is not).
  12. 22. A babies’ most common “first word” in American English.
  13. 24. Babies lack this until around 3 weeks old, but don't cry about it!
  14. 25. Place on the farm where Luisa's Mom Kirsten spent time the week Lui was born. Must have had an effect on her!
  15. 26. Where William's Mom Jody was when her water broke. Blame it on the popcorn?
  16. 27. The first sense babies form.
  17. 31. The least developed of all newborn senses. It's why they give you those funny looks.
  18. 38. Ferocious star sign Luisa was born under.
  19. 39. Colorful name for Beyonce and Jay-Z's oldest child.