The Olympics crossword

  1. 3. a zigzag downhill race
  2. 4. the fastest, highest, longest, etc.
  3. 5. the third place
  4. 6. a winter sport consisting of a driver and brakeman. Both control the sled.
  5. 9. a sport in a boat with sails
  6. 13. the second place
  7. 15. a sport where you ride a bike
  8. 16. a winter sport that is played with a puck.
  9. 18. a sport done on ice
  10. 20. this holds the flame
  11. 21. The modern Olympics have how many rings?
  1. 1. the first place
  2. 2. in 1900 ...... were allowed to compete for the first time.
  3. 3. The official motto for the Olympics is "faster, higher, ..."
  4. 7. a sport event that happens every four years
  5. 8. The Olympic rings represent the .....
  6. 9. the 2014 Winter Games were held there.
  7. 10. a sport in which Tiger Woods is the Champion
  8. 11. The Olympics for disabled people
  9. 12. a sport where you fight
  10. 14. the country where the first Olympic Games were held.
  11. 17. one of the colours of the Olympics Flag's rings.
  12. 19. a game with a net, ball and racket