Clap When You Land (Spanish & English)

  1. 6. A bathrobe (Spanish)
  2. 10. A small female child (Spanish)
  3. 11. A small street (Spanish)
  4. 13. A period of time where people stay in place and quietly wait/pray
  5. 15. A grocer (A small shop) (Spanish)
  6. 16. Healer (Spanish)
  7. 17. Be positioned at the end or on either side of something
  8. 19. A dining room
  1. 1. A thick soup made of meat and root vegetables (Spanish)
  2. 2. A cane (Spanish)
  3. 3. A district of a town in a Spanish-speaking country (Spanish)
  4. 4. Motorcycle taxi (Spanish)
  5. 5. A common flooring material
  6. 7. A casserole dish (Lasagna) (Spanish)
  7. 8. A balcony
  8. 9. A young man/woman (Spanish)
  9. 12. Old person (Spanish)
  10. 14. A wine-seller (Spanish)
  11. 16. A state of annoyance/to be annoyed
  12. 18. Bad-tempered and or hard to deal with